travel blogs

the next best thing to travelling is surely reading about it, something i like to do. here's some i have read earlier..
viva mallorca by peter kerr
not sure about this except i know i didn't enjoy it, in spite being set in an exotic location, real life story of a family who try to eke out a living from a fruit farm, it just didn't hold my interest. i even read the whole thing, hoping to find some saving grace and it just didn't have it for me. boring, dull, doesn't make me want to even go to mallorca. 'nuff said.
down and out in paris and london by george orwell
if you enjoy reading about tramping then this is the book for you. it is an easy read and not-so-popular topic, probably the original reality book. worth a look if only because it is quite different to anything i have ever read.
almost french by sarah turnbull
ozzie traveller sarah turnbull falls in love with a frenchman quite by chance, whilst travelling in bucharest. this is the story of how she visits him and end up staying and tries to fit into parisien life.
some amusing descriptions of the differences between french and australian women - lots of culture clashes that revolve around the struggle of living abroad. are they too different to make it work? happily no.
in spite of the challenges she can't help but fall in love with paris,( as well as her husband) even tolerating the nation whose favourite hobby is striking oh, and rioting.
I like the photo, must try to read 'down and out...' sometime.
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