
today i am going to write about asparagus because i like it and because i tried a new recipe at the weekend and i really liked how the flavours all came together.
start with some green leafed salad, add some asparagus, i like it gently steamed or roasted with some olive oil and salt on it. add a couple of poached eggs, some feta cheese and a mustard vinagrette. it's quite yummy.
i would also open a bottle of prosecco, i haven't had a bad bottle of this so try any. enjoy.
Yes, it was yummy and lovingly prepared.
Buy a bottle of prosecco, a cheap and good alternative to champagne and generally better than cava.
Prosecco - ummh, dry, isn't it? Not gone on dry I'm afraid, but the food sounds yummy.
Dry, yes, but be open to dry, dry is good, dry is nice, dry is now, dry is, ummh, well dry. ok then.
i recommend you try it and see, it's not expensive, especially for those of you located in europe. it has become one of my favourite drinks now.
never heard of it!! tho' i do llikevdry.... kinda indifferent to asparagus.
Your overriding theme in your blog appears to be food ....nice
what can i say, I like food but i really enjoy fresh green veggies!
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