the whaleboat house by mark mills

Review by Katie
The second installment for our book club is Whaleboat House by Mark Mills. I have to admit that I read this book a while ago now (November?) and can hardly remember it - I have had to skim read the first few chapters to remind myself what the book is about - probably a sign that this isn't the most thought-provoking book ever written. It is a mystery set on the NE coast of the USA, where the traditional fishing communities live side-by-side with the rich weekenders from New York. The book was written by a British author, but actually on reading the book it felt like it was written by an American. I did enjoy the book - I thought the book was very well written, unlike most detective books, although the characters aren't particularly memorable. I recommended this book on the strength of Savage Garden, a recent best-seller this summer by the same author, which I preferred.
On another note, since the birth of my baby last Summer I have read at least 20+ books (all those long hours breast-feeding). I thought I would share with you my top 10 (in no particular order) - all of which I can highly recommend: Behind the scenes at the museum, Case Histories and One good turn - all by Kate Atkinson, who writes great books with very memorable and credible characters; Restless, Fascination and Any Human Heart, all by William Boyd; the Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield; the House at Riverton; Mission Song, by John Le carre; and Savage Garden by Mark Mills.
i did not get on well with this particular book. i don't know why but i just didn't believe in the story, i didn't believe that a beautiful NY socialite would fall in love with a fisherman nor that she would be killed because she of what she knew. didn't like the style, didn't care a fig for any of the characters and found it all a big bore. yawn! next one please.
have read some kate atkinson and enjoyed one of them, can't remember which one though. really enjoyed the house at riverton, would recommend that one and don't know any of the others. some other titles that i really enjoyed were the time traveler's wife by audrey niffenegger, try saying that when you've had a few; the island by victoria coren; am currently relishing nigella express by nigella lawson but then i do enjoy eating!
sorry for errors, it won't let me edit it! i forgot to mention that it read like a modern novel and i was surprised to learn it was set after the 2nd world war.
uh-oh, I can see that I'll be thrown out of the book club if I make any more recommendations like that one...
sorry for the delayed response...
well I didn't mind it though its not the sort of book I normally read - I have to admit I thought the relationship between the Basque & the socialite a bit odd - I must have skim read the bit where he's described & so had it in my mind he was this old, wrinkly guy & had to go back & check his age etc, and of course once I'd created this mental image it was difficult to change it. I also wasn't convinced about the sibling ambition that was so extreme to lead to murder...
oh well, I guess its on to the next?
katie i love you but i didn't love the book! i still enjoy reading different authors though, maybe his other book would be more my cup of tea.
can't say i'm really enjoying The Gathering either as yet. hope it will get better though!
Out of touch and down under!! I never heard of any of these writers but I love Audrey's surname she's got to have something interesting going for her with a handle like that the book club going to continue in the cyber world as u move on??
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