normal service will be resumed shortly..

don't ask me where the time has gone because i genuinely don't know other than life with a two-and-a-half-year-old can be draining, especially on your patience. are all toddlers this independent? my son says no to everything, even things he enjoys, and insists on doing everything himself; recently he has insisted on doing the washing up. he is full of spirit that's for sure. i think his lack of speech is frustrating to us all.
we have been renovating, which is always a mixture of joy and pain, especially if you live in an older house like we do but, at last, the bathroom is nearing completion and we can almost use it fully again. i do love it and am very happy with it although the whole process almost drove my husband to the brink. hopefully some pictures will follow sometime in the near future.
well, that's all folks, life seems to have been full of stress and busyness of late and i seem to succumb to every cold/virus that is doing the rounds, plus our kid can't stay in his own bed at night so we never get a whole night's sleep. sleep deprivation is tough. stay healthy!
Sounds like our man,
I cant really remember back that long ago tho' I do recall the frustration at not being able to communicate and I seem to recall that once you had "nailed" one phase so to speak i.e. moved the ornaments becoz walking had commenced, another phase was up to spped, e.g.: climbing
It is very time consuming and trying on the patience.
he does seem to go through phases, if it's not one thing it is certainly something else!
While it may seem to you that all the other boys are just getting on with it, I can assure you that the exact opposite is true.
Life with Kaelan is draining and we love it when he finally goes to bed. We love it when he finally goes to bed. (No thats not a typo)
And Yes, he also is independent, selfish and quite resistant to compromise.
The bathroom looks good. We like the sink, or should I say the hygiene facilitator.
I must say I have been at the Brink many times and it is vastly overrated.
For your cold/virus, I can only suggest a course of Echinacea. Check your local health shop.
thanks for your honesty jer1ch0. i appreciate it because, unless you tell me otherwise i imagine that your kids are all beautifully behaved!
i think i may even have some echinacea in the cupboard, might try taking some along with the valium (that's a joke although my doc did give me a few sleeping tablets!).
Of course, our kid is beautifully behaved - cough cough
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