c'est la vie

we may speak a common language but culturally we are oceans apart, invite in my email today:
"you are invited to a POT LUCK, SEX TOY PARTY!!! We decided to do this after the success of the last one (2 years ago, I guess things are wearing out!) and the numerous requests to have another one.
PLEASE RSVP as we need a head count and to figure out who is bringing what to the party!!"
Man, you're lucky. You get invited to sex-toy parties. All I get is offers to increase my size and buy into some dodgy stock. :-)
did i mention this is from somebody i know?
The last day I got one from a Nigerian offerring to increase my size, all he needed were my bank account details.
Oh, yes, the latest fun one is to give your bank account details so you can get a portion of the Yasser Arafat's wifes inheritance.
Ahhhh! I hate spam!
Fuck it, I think we know the same Nigerian.
Where's our links?
Thanks for the links missus.
you can thank my technical consultant for that.
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