the gathering by anne enright

review by nic
Well it was a struggle to read this, not that it's a difficult read, when I did pick it up I got through it quite quick, it was just bringing myself to read it that was the hard part and though I hate not finishing books, I was sorely tempted a number of times to e-mail round & say that I had had enough...
Also I haven't been in the best frame of mind recently so this was not really what I needed, but I only have myself to blame for that, hopefully I'll chose better next time! So I found it really quite depressing, it was bad enough that most of the book revolved round collecting Liam's body and the reality of his suicide, but the chapters on Veronica's grandmother Ada and without giving too much away what Lamb Nugent got up to, real or imagined, made me feel quite uncomfortable, though I guess this was the desired effect.
So moving on, I'm now reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop, which although is also not a happy read its a fascinating memoir on life born into the cult of FLDS and how she eventually escaped. The Jon Krakauer book Under the Banner of Heaven, which I read just before Xmas got me interested in this strange religion (if it can be called that) & to think this sort of thing goes on in modern day America is quite scary. I do prefer reading non-fiction to fiction though the great thing about a book club is it encourages a more diverse reading than one would normally.
This book gets a big thumbs down from me too. Like Nic, it took me ages to get through just because I couldn't bring myself to pick it up. The subject matter was far too miserable for my liking. In general, I'm not one for the 'dysfunctional family' saga unless it's both funny and moving (and for that I would recommend Kate Atkinson's books.) There were some good lines in there that I re-read a couple of times, but then there were also some horrible lines in there too, and then just lots of plain boring text about people I wasn't interested in. And to think this won the Booker Prize (although, come to think of it, maybe that's not such a great accolade).
I had expected better from this book. I have read one of Anne Enright's before, 'Making Babies' - her memoirs on becoming a mother. Rachel gave me this book when Sara was first born, and it was a real delight to read - witty, original and very honest. In fact, in this book she talks about how she herself tried committing suicide when she was in her early twenties, so maybe this is quite a personal subject for her. But on the basis of the gathering, I will be cautious about picking up another of her books...
Anyway, it's Ms Fivespice's book choice next so we should be in for a treat!
couldn't agree more with you both. did not enjoy any of this book, until around page 170 when it picked up a little. i would have binned this a few chapters in if it wasn't a book club choice.
how this won the booker prize i don't know. i suggest we steer clear of any other book prize winners too!
have just finished reading the kite runner which is a really good read. very sad but we can discuss that just as soon as you are both done with it!
I read the Kite Runner ~6mths ago on Sadies recommendation & it was fab - I might have a quick flick through it to refresh myself but post up when you have a chance if Katies done.
ps I've forgotten my login...sorry!
Haven't even had a chance to buy the book yet (sorry, but was sold out of my regular english book store). If you want, you two could post your reviews and we'll skip straight to the next book?
or you can wait... I managed to buy the book this morning so will start reading it ASAP
hi, no rush! we move house in 3 weeks so am a little distracted right now. will try and write my review before we go but my life is a bit chaotic at the moment. plus i've been ill since last week with a horrible bug and i have to pack!
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